If you’re looking for more ways to be involved with the Kinnard Homestead, we invite you to consider partnering with us through any of the following opportunities:
Join our team of homestead entrepreneurs

In addition to encouraging our own kids to develop their capabilities as young entrepreneurs by selling the eggs, baked goods, and plants they learn to produce, we encourage those outside our family to do the same. Following Joel Salatin’s Fiefdom Model (watch below video), we seek to partner with capable and strong-charactered individuals who have a product or service to share that aligns with the vision and values of The Kinnard Homestead. Whether that involves hosting new homesteading ventures physically on our acreage or merely marketing them digitally on our website, the following examples scratch the surface of ways you can link arms with us:
Marketable Opportunities on our acreage:
- Bee keeping and honey harvesting
- Compost production
- Firewood cutting, storing, and delivering
- Flock breeding and raising
- Greenhouse and plant nursery operation
- Hay, straw, or grain growing and harvesting
Marketable Opportunities on our website:
- Homemade Arts and Crafts
- Home and Garden items
- Plants and planting items
Joel Salatin on "Stacking Fiefdoms"
If you’re interested in learning more about how you can join our team of homestead entrepreneurs, including the terms and conditions that would involve, e-mail us at contact@thekinnardhomestead.com.
Meet our partners:

Nicholas & Joy Durand
d/b/a Dogwood Herbs
See Products